Android Sqlite
Table of Contents
1. SQlite: Android
+----------------+ | SQLiteDatabase | +------------------+ +-+----------+---+ +----->+ SQLiteConnection-+-<---+ | | | +------------------+ | | v | +------------------+ | +--------------------+--------+ +----+------------------+ +----->+ SQLiteConnection | | | | | SQLiteConnection Pool-+---+ +-----+-----+------+ | v thread_1 v thread_2 +-------+---------------+ | ^ | +----+----------+ +----+----------+ ^ | | | | SQLiteSession | | SQLiteSession-+-----------+ +----------------------+ | | | +----+-------+--+ +------+--+-----+ | |PreparedStatementCache+<-+ | | | | | | +----------------------+ | | | +--------------+--------------------+ | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
1.1. SQLiteDatabase & SQLiteDatabase (c)
1.1.1. addCustomFunction
1.2. SQLiteStatement (c)
Note that `SQLiteStatement' has nothing to do with the native `prepared statement', it nothing but a `helper class' to store:
- sql string
- bind args
- db connection (session)
In fact, there is ONE class named `PreparedStatement', defined in the `SQLiteConnection', which corresponds to the `native prepared statement', and also there is `PreparedStatementCache' in SQLiteConnection to avoid redundant statement preparations. So, cache `SQLiteStatement' manually may make no sense? so I really doubt that `android providers should use DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper to cache SQLiteStatement', as mentioned in:
1.3. SQLiteSession
1.4. SQLiteConnection & SQLiteConnectionPool
1.4.1. Yield
1.4.2. WAL (Write-ahead Logging)
1.5. SQLiteProgram & SQLiteQuery & SQLiteQueryBuilder
1.6. SQLiteDebug
1.7. Cursor & CursorWindow
1.7.1. SQLiteCursorDriver
1.7.2. CursorFactory
1.7.3. Cursor Cursor Class Hierarchy
-+----------+ | Cursor/I | -+----+-----+ | | -+---------+-----------+ | CrossProcessCursor/I| -+----+----+-----------+ | | -+-----+--+---------+ | AbstractCursor/A | -+--------+---------+ | -+------------------+---------------+----------------------+ | | | -+-----------+--------------+ -+-------+------+ -+------+------+ | AbstractWindowedCursor/A | | MatrixCursor | | MergeCursor | -+-----------+--------------+ -+--------------+ -+-------------+ | -+----------------------------+ | | -+-------+------+ -+-------------+-------------+ | SqliteCursor | | BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor | -+--------------+ -+---------------------------+ Cursor across process
When Cursor in the remote process need to be returned to local process, the remote Cursor will be wrapped into a binder object named `CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor`, which is not a cursor, but implements methods like `onMove`, `getWindow`, etc.
When the local process received the `CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor` binder, it again will be wrapped into a local cursor object named `BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor`, which is a `AbstractWindowedCursor`
-+------------------------+ | AbstractWindowedCursor | -+----------+-------------+ | | -+------------+--------------+ | BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor | -+------------+--------------+ | | -+-------+------+ local process (e.g. app) --------------- | BulkCursor | ------------------- -+-------+------+ remote process (e.g. provider) | | -+------------+--------------+ | CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor | -+------------+--------------+ | | -+----------+ | Cursor | -+----------+ Code Snippet moveToFirst
AbstractCursor.moveToFirst AbstractCursor.moveToPosition(0) ret=SqliteCursor.onMove(origPos,0) if mWindow==null || newPosition < mWindow.getStartPosition() || newPosition >= mWindow.getStartPosition()+ mWindow.getNumRows(): SqliteCursor.fillWindow(newPosition) mWindow.setStartPosition(newPosition) getQuery().fillWindow(newPosition) SQLiteQuery.nativeFillWindow(nHandle, nStatement, window.mWindowPtr, startPos, mOffsetIndex); // Bind the offset parameter, telling the program which row to start with sqlite3_bind_int(statement, offsetParam, startPos); while (!windowFull): sqlite3_step(statement); window->allocRow(); for (int i = 0; i < numColumns; i++): int type = sqlite3_column_type(statement, i); if (type == SQLITE_TEXT): const char* text = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(statement, i)); window->putString(addedRows, i, text, sizeIncludingNull); elif: // other type // end for // end while sqlite3_reset(statement); if ret: mPos=newPos; getString
Cursor.getString(pos) AbstractWindowedCursor.getString(pos) mWindow.getString(pos) nativeGetString(pos) SQLiteCursor
- SQLiteCursorDriver used to create the SqliteCursor
- SQLiteQuery used to invoke `nativefillWindow` To summarize
- Cursor by itself is not `CrossProcess`, but with the help of `BulkCursor` ,`BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor` and `CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor`, Cursor can be `CrossProcess`
- The most important methods of the `Cursor` object:
`nativefillWindow` will execute the real query, and fill the result set to the `CursorWindow`. ps. `getCount` will invoke `fillWindow` implicitly.
`fillWindow` is during `onMove`, e.g. `moveToFirst`, `moveToNext`, …
1.7.4. CursorWindow
`CursorWindow` is parcelable, it represents a `window` of sqlite query data. The underlying data of a Java CursorWindow object is managed by CursorWindow c++ object, in both of the server side and the client side. init
onMove fillWindow clearOrCreateWindow mWindow = new CursorWindow(name); // sCursorWindowSize specifies the window size in kb, e.g. 2048 Kb mWindowPtr = CursorWindow.nativeCreate(name, sCursorWindowSize); how CursorWindow is passed across process
Because `CursorWindow` is only a parcelable (not a binder), so the remote `CursorWindow` need to be fetched by the local process again and again, e.g. during local `onMove`
BulkCursorToCursorAdaptor.onMove if (mWindow == null || newPosition < mWindow.getStartPosition() || newPosition >= mWindow.getStartPosition() + mWindow.getNumRows()): setWindow(mBulkCursor.getWindow(newPosition)); // remote process CursorToBulkCursorAdaptor.getWindow(newPosition) mCursor.moveToPosition(startPos) return mCursor.getWindow() // SQLiteCursor mCursor.fillWindow(position, window); mQuery.fillWindow(position,window); getSession().executeForCursorWindow(); SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForCursorWindow(start, requiredRow) // native while (window not full): sqlite3_step(stmt); copy_row(window) sqlite3_reset(stmt) nativeFinalizeStatement(stmt); 关于 CursorWindow 的一个 bug (or feature)
每次 onMove (包括 cursor.moveToPosition 等) 都会导致底层的 statement 实际上会重新查询 …. 所以这种设计会导致这个 bug (or feature?)
private void query() { SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase("/storage/sdcard1/test.db", null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE, null); Cursor cursor=db.query("test", new String[] {"name","count"}, null,null, null, null, "name"); Log.e("sunway","query:get count:"+cursor.getCount()); cursor.moveToFirst(); Log.e("sunway","moveToFirst: data:"+cursor.getString(0)); cursor.moveToLast(); Log.e("sunway","moved to last"); Log.e("sunway","insert a row"); db.beginTransaction(); db.execSQL("INSERT INTO test VALUES (\"aaa\",1)"); Log.e("sunway","done"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); db.endTransaction(); cursor.moveToFirst(); Log.e("sunway","moveToFirst again: data:"+cursor.getString(0)); cursor.close(); }
当原有数据足够多时 (保证 moveToLast 会调用 fillWindow 替换掉当前 window), 对同一 cursor 调用两次 moveToFirst 查询的结果不同 …. 若要避免这个情况, 要么底层的 cursor window 足够大, 能容纳所有的内容, 要么 cursor 查询返回后不 finalized statement, 这样可以保证 read transaction 持有 shared lock, 那么其他 write transaction 会因为无法获得 exclusive lock 而无法修改数据库. CursorWindow and `ashmem'
The underlying data of a Java CursorWindow is managed by CursorWindow c++ object, and is stored using `ashmem'
status_t CursorWindow::writeToParcel(Parcel* parcel) { status_t status = parcel->writeString8(mName); if (!status) { status = parcel->writeDupFileDescriptor(mAshmemFd); } return status; } status_t CursorWindow::createFromParcel(Parcel* parcel, CursorWindow** outCursorWindow) { String8 name = parcel->readString8(); status_t result; int ashmemFd = parcel->readFileDescriptor(); // ... }
So, CursorWindow parceling is quite efficient using `ashmem', and that why CursorWindow could deliver more than 1MB data using binder.
~@sunway-x230> adb shell procmem 642|grep "CursorWindow" 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K /dev/ashmem/CursorWindow: 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K /dev/ashmem/CursorWindow: 4K 4K 2K 0K 0K 4K 0K 0K /dev/ashmem/CursorWindow: 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K /dev/ashmem/CursorWindow: 4K 4K 4K 4K 0K 0K 4K 0K /dev/ashmem/CursorWindow:
1.8. Other
1.8.1. adb shell dumpsys meminfo pid
SQL MEMORY_USED: 992 PAGECACHE_OVERFLOW: 255 MALLOC_SIZE: 62 DATABASES pgsz dbsz Lookaside(b) cache Dbname 4 300 460 56/65/25 /data/user/0/ 1 9 0/0/0 (attached) presence_db 4 300 498 39/54/24 /data/user/0/ 1 9 0/0/0 (attached) presence_db 1 19 44 39/30/5 :memory:
- pgsz 是 page_size, 单位 KB.
- dbsz 是 db 文件大小, KB
- lookaside 是已经 checkout 的 lookaside slot 的个数 (
- cache 是 android 使用的 statement cache 的 hit/miss/num_pages (和 pcache 无关…)