Tensorflow Lite Internal

Table of Contents

1. TFLite Internal

1.1. Overview

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "square <tflite model>\n");
        return 1;
    const char* filename = argv[1];

    std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model =

    tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
    InterpreterBuilder builder(*model, resolver);
    std::unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter;

    float* input = interpreter->typed_input_tensor<float>(0);
    input[0] = 10;
    float* output = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0);
    printf("%f\n", output[0]);

    return 0;

1.1.1. BuiltinOpResolver

注册各个 op 对应的 Invoke 函数, 例如 abs 最终会对应 AbsEval, 后者最终会调用 std::abs

BuiltinOpResolver::BuiltinOpResolver() {
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_ABS, Register_ABS());
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_RELU, Register_RELU(), 1, 2);
    // ...
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_MAX_POOL_2D, Register_MAX_POOL_2D(), 1, 3);
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_L2_POOL_2D, Register_L2_POOL_2D());
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_CONV_2D, Register_CONV_2D(), 1, 5);
    // ....
    AddBuiltin(BuiltinOperator_FULLY_CONNECTED, Register_FULLY_CONNECTED(), 1,
    // ...

void MutableOpResolver::AddBuiltin(tflite::BuiltinOperator op,
                                   const TfLiteRegistration* registration,
                                   int version) {
    TfLiteRegistration new_registration = *registration;
    new_registration.custom_name = nullptr;
    new_registration.builtin_code = op;
    new_registration.version = version;
    auto op_key = std::make_pair(op, version);
    builtins_[op_key] = new_registration;

TfLiteRegistration* Register_ABS() {
    static TfLiteRegistration r = {
        // init
        // free
        // prepare
        // invoke
    return &r;

TfLiteStatus AbsEval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
    return EvalNumeric(context, node, std::abs);

inline TfLiteStatus EvalNumeric(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node,
                                float float_func(float)) {
    return EvalImpl<float>(context, node, float_func, kTfLiteFloat32);

template <typename T>
inline TfLiteStatus EvalImpl(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node,
                             T func(T), TfLiteType expected_type) {
    const TfLiteTensor* input = GetInput(context, node, 0);
    TfLiteTensor* output = GetOutput(context, node, 0);
    TF_LITE_ENSURE_TYPES_EQ(context, input->type, expected_type);
    const int64_t num_elements = NumElements(input);
    const T* in_data = GetTensorData<T>(input);
    T* out_data = GetTensorData<T>(output);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
        // !!! out_data[i] = std::abs(in_data[i])
        out_data[i] = func(in_data[i]);
    return kTfLiteOk;

1.1.2. InterpreterBuilder

生成 interpreter, 主要是根据 model 中的 operator 及 resolver 中的 registration 生成 graph 及其中的 node 以便执行. 另外会用 delegate 把 graph 分割为不同的 subgraph 以分别执行.

TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::operator()(
    std::unique_ptr<Interpreter>* interpreter, int num_threads) {
    // !!! 查找 resolver 中记录的 registration

    auto* subgraphs = model_->subgraphs();
    auto* buffers = model_->buffers();

    if (subgraphs->size() > 1) {
        (*interpreter)->AddSubgraphs(subgraphs->size() - 1);

    for (int subgraph_index = 0; subgraph_index < subgraphs->size();
         ++subgraph_index) {
        const tflite::SubGraph* subgraph = (*subgraphs)[subgraph_index];
        tflite::Subgraph* modified_subgraph =
        auto operators = subgraph->operators();
        auto tensors = subgraph->tensors();



        // !!! 根据 operator 生成 node 及 execution_plan
        ParseNodes(operators, modified_subgraph);
        ParseTensors(buffers, tensors, modified_subgraph);

        std::vector<int> variables;
        for (int i = 0; i < modified_subgraph->tensors_size(); ++i) {
            auto* tensor = modified_subgraph->tensor(i);
            if (tensor->is_variable) {

    // !!! 是否使用 flex delegate 支持 tensorflow op (而不是 tflite builtin op)
    // https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/ops_select?hl=zh-cn
    ApplyDelegates(interpreter->get(), num_threads)
} BuildLocalIndexToRegistrationMapping

查找之前 BuiltinOpResolver 注册的 registration

TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::BuildLocalIndexToRegistrationMapping() {

    auto opcodes = model_->operator_codes();

    int num_custom_ops = 0;

    // builtin_code 除了正常的如 BuiltinOperator_ABS 之类的, 还包含两种特殊的值:
    // BuiltinOperator\_CUSTOM
    // BuiltinOperator\_DELEGATE
    // 其中对于 BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM, OperatorCode.custom_code (一个 string)
    // 用来区别这个 custom op 具体是什么.
    // 对于 custom op, BuiltinOpResolver 可以通过 AddCustom 添加对它的支持,
    // 或者 delegate 也可以支持它, 但 delegate 的支持并不会在 resolver 中体现,
    // 所以下面的代码会有 unresolved_custom_ops_

    for (const OperatorCode* opcode : *opcodes) {
        if (opcode->builtin_code() == BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
    for (const OperatorCode* opcode : *opcodes) {
        const TfLiteRegistration* registration = nullptr;
        // !!! 查找 builtin_code 和 custom_code
        status = GetRegistrationFromOpCode(opcode, op_resolver_, error_reporter_,
        // !!! op 在 resolver 中找不到 registration, 交给 delegate
        if (status != kTfLiteOk) {
            const auto* op_name = opcode->custom_code()->c_str();
            registration = &unresolved_custom_ops_.back();
            has_flex_op_ |= IsFlexOp(op_name);
            status = kTfLiteOk;
        // !!! registration 按顺序记录下来
    return status;

    *registration = op_resolver.FindOp(builtin_code, version);
        return builtins_.find(std::make_pair(op, version));
    if (not_found_in_builtins):
        const char* name = opcode->custom_code()->c_str();
        *registration = op_resolver.FindOp(name, version);
        return custom_ops_.find(std::make_pair(op, version)); ParseNode
TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::ParseNodes(
    const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Operator>>* operators,
    Subgraph* subgraph) {
    // Reduce the number of redundant allocations

    for (int i = 0; i < operators->size(); ++i) {
        const auto* op = operators->Get(i);
        int index = op->opcode_index();

        // !!! 找到 registration
        const TfLiteRegistration* registration =

        BuiltinOperator op_type =

        if (op_type == BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
                FlatBufferIntArrayToVector(op->intermediates()), nullptr, 0,
                nullptr, registration);

        } else {
            void* builtin_data = nullptr;
            MallocDataAllocator malloc_allocator;
            TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(ParseOpData(op, op_type, error_reporter_,
                FlatBufferIntArrayToVector(op->intermediates()), nullptr, 0,
                builtin_data, registration);

    return status;

TfLiteStatus Subgraph::AddNodeWithParameters(
    const std::vector<int>& inputs, const std::vector<int>& outputs,
    const std::vector<int>& intermediates, const char* init_data,
    size_t init_data_size, void* builtin_data,
    const TfLiteRegistration* registration, int* node_index) {
    std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(free)*> builtin_data_deleter(builtin_data,

    int new_node_index = nodes_and_registration_.size();
    if (node_index) *node_index = new_node_index;
    nodes_and_registration_.resize(nodes_and_registration_.size() + 1);
    auto& node_and_reg = nodes_and_registration_.back();
    TfLiteNode& node = node_and_reg.first;
    if (node.inputs) TfLiteIntArrayFree(node.inputs);
    if (node.outputs) TfLiteIntArrayFree(node.outputs);
    if (node.intermediates) TfLiteIntArrayFree(node.intermediates);
    if (node.temporaries) TfLiteIntArrayFree(node.temporaries);

    node.inputs = ConvertVectorToTfLiteIntArray(inputs);
    node.outputs = ConvertVectorToTfLiteIntArray(outputs);
    node.intermediates = ConvertVectorToTfLiteIntArray(intermediates);
    node.temporaries = TfLiteIntArrayCreate(0);
    if (init_data) {
        node.user_data = OpInit(*registration, init_data, init_data_size);
    } else {
        node.user_data = OpInit(
            *registration, static_cast<const char*>(builtin_data_deleter.get()), 0);

    node.builtin_data = builtin_data_deleter.release();

    if (registration->builtin_code == BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
        // When it's a CUSTOM op, the `custom_options` field in the Flatbuffer
        // `Operator` table is passed in.
        node.custom_initial_data = init_data;
        node.custom_initial_data_size = init_data_size;
    } else {
        node.custom_initial_data = nullptr;
        node.custom_initial_data_size = 0;

    node.delegate = nullptr;
    // Copying of registration is required to support unresolved custom ops.
    node_and_reg.second = *registration;
    // !!! execution_plan_ 表示 subgraph invoke 时各个 node (operator) 执行的顺
    // 序, 实际上 tflite 模型中的 operator 已经是拓扑排序的了, 所以
    // execution_plan_ 基本上和 operator 顺序相同, 除非涉及到 delegate
    return kTfLiteOk;

1.1.3. AllocateTensors constant allocation

constant 直接把 flatbuffer mmap 进来使用

TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::ParseTensors(
    const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Buffer>>* buffers,
    const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Tensor>>* tensors,
    Subgraph* subgraph) {

    auto get_readonly_data = [&](const char** buffer_data,
                                 size_t* buffer_size) {
        *buffer_data = nullptr;
        // !!! 如果是 constant tensor, 则 tensor->buffer() 指向 floatbuffer 中
        // constant tensor 的数据, 这个数据是直接通过 mmap 映射进来 (flatbuffer
        // 相比 protocalbuffer 的优势)
        if (tensor->buffer() == 0) return kTfLiteOk;
        if (auto* buffer = (*buffers)[tensor->buffer()]) {
            if (auto* array = buffer->data()) {
                if (size_t size = array->size()) {
                    *buffer_size = size;
                    *buffer_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(array->data());
                    return kTfLiteOk;
        return kTfLiteOk;

    get_readonly_data(&buffer_ptr, &buffer_size);

    if (buffer_ptr) {
            i, type, get_name(tensor), dims, quantization, buffer_ptr,
            buffer_size, allocation_, sparsity);

            tensor.data.raw = const_cast<char*>(buffer);
    } else {
            i, type, get_name(tensor), dims, quantization, is_variable,
            dims_signature_rank, dims_signature_data);
            // !!! kTfLiteArenaRw 与 kTfLiteArenaRwPersistent
            // 最终会分配到不同的 buffer
            TfLiteAllocationType allocation_type = kTfLiteArenaRw;
            if (is_variable) {
                allocation_type = kTfLiteArenaRwPersistent;
            tensor.data.raw = 0;
            tensor.allocation_type = allocation_type;
            tensor.bytes = required_bytes;
            // ...
    } tensor allocation

tensor, 包括:

  1. variable (可训练的参数) tensor
  2. intermediate tensor
  3. temporary tensor
TfLiteStatus Subgraph::AllocateTensors(){PrepareOpsAndTensors()}

PrepareOpsAndTensors() {
    // !!! preserve_inputs 默认为 true, 所以多次运行时不需要重复给 input tensor
    // 赋值
    // preserve_intermediates 为 false, 所以无法查询中间结果
    memory_planner_.reset(new ArenaPlanner(
        &context_, std::unique_ptr<GraphInfo>(new InterpreterInfo(this)),
        /*preserve_inputs=*/true, /*preserve_intermediates*/ false,
} PlanAllocations
  1. 标记只些 tensor 不能被覆盖 (通过 refcount)
  2. 记录 tensor 的 start_node 和 finish_node, 即 tensor 的生命期, 生命期不重叠的 tensor 可以共用内存
TfLiteStatus ArenaPlanner::PlanAllocations() {
    alloc_node_.assign(graph_info_->num_tensors(), kNodeNotAssigned);
    dealloc_node_.assign(graph_info_->num_tensors(), kNodeNotAssigned);

    std::vector<int> refcounts(graph_info_->num_tensors(), 0);

    // !!! alloc_node_ 和 dealloc_node_ 用来记录 tensor 的 start_node 和
    // finish_node
    auto allocate = [this](int node, int tensor) -> TfLiteStatus {
        // !!! alloc_nodes_ 需要记录`第一个`使用这个 tensor 的 node, 所以需要这
        // 个判断
        if (alloc_node_[tensor] != kNodeNotAssigned) {
            // !!! Tensor has already been allocated.
            return kTfLiteOk;
        alloc_node_[tensor] = node;

    auto deallocate = [this](int node, int tensor) -> TfLiteStatus {
        // !!! dealloc_node_ 需要记录`最后一个`使用这个 tensor 的 node, 所以不需
        // 要像 alloc_node_ 那样判断
        dealloc_node_[tensor] = node;
    // !!! -----------------------------
    // !!! We must make sure the output tensors are never overwritten. We do
    // that by artificially adding one to their ref-counts so they are never
    // selected for deallocation.
    for (int tensor_index : graph_info_->outputs()) {

    // !!! Variable tensors also should be ensured to be never overwritten and
    // need to be alive all the time.
    for (int tensor_index : graph_info_->variables()) {

    // !!! Queue all graph inputs for allocation. If preserve_inputs_ is true,
    // make sure they never be overwritten.
    for (int tensor_index : graph_info_->inputs()) {
        if (preserve_inputs_) {
        // graph inputs 的 start_node 必然是 node[0]
        allocate(0, tensor_index);

    // Queue all graph variable tensors for allocation.
    for (int tensor_index : graph_info_->variables()) {
        // Increase the reference count for input tensors by one, so it will
        // never be deallocated.
        allocate(0, tensor_index);

    // Queue all graph inputs for allocation.
    for (int tensor_index : graph_info_->inputs()) {
        if (tensor_index != kTfLiteOptionalTensor) {
            allocate(0, tensor_index);
    // !!! -----------------------------
    // Count references to node input tensors.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < graph_info_->num_nodes(); ++i) {
        const TfLiteNode& node = graph_info_->node(i);
        TfLiteIntArray* node_inputs = node.inputs;
        for (int j = 0; j < node_inputs->size; ++j) {
            int tensor_index = node_inputs->data[j];
    // !!! -----------------------------
    // Go through the graph in execution order.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < graph_info_->num_nodes(); ++i) {
        const TfLiteNode& node = graph_info_->node(i);

        // First queue output tensors for allocation.
        TfLiteIntArray* node_outputs = node.outputs;
        for (int j = 0; j < node_outputs->size; ++j) {
            int tensor_index = node_outputs->data[j];
            allocate(i, tensor_index);

        // Then update the ref-counts of the node's inputs, and if necessary
        // queue them for deallocation.
        if (!preserve_intermediates_) {
            TfLiteIntArray* node_inputs = node.inputs;
            for (int j = 0; j < node_inputs->size; ++j) {
                int tensor_index = node_inputs->data[j];
                if (refcounts[tensor_index] == 0) {
                    deallocate(i, tensor_index);
} ExecuteAllocations
  1. CalculateAllocations

    根据 [start_node, finish_node] 找到所有有重叠 (冲突) 的 alloc, 然后根据 bestfit 分配一个 alloc

  2. Commit

    CalculateAllocations 分配 alloc 同时会维护 high_water_mark_ 记录最大需要的内存, Commit 会 malloc 这一段 underlying_buffer

  3. ResolveTensorAllocation

    underlying_buffer 做为 base address, 根据各个 alloc 中记录的 offset 更新最终的 tensor->data 地址

TfLiteStatus ArenaPlanner::ExecuteAllocations(int first_node, int last_node) {
    // Grow the size of `allocs_` if necessary. This allows allocating temporary
    // tensors in op's `prepare` function.
    alloc_node_.resize(graph_info_->num_tensors(), kNodeNotAssigned);
    dealloc_node_.resize(graph_info_->num_tensors(), kNodeNotAssigned);
    // Set allocation and deallocation for temporary tensors.
    for (size_t i = first_node;
         i <= static_cast<size_t>(last_node) && i < graph_info_->num_nodes();
         ++i) {
        const TfLiteNode& node = graph_info_->node(i);
        TfLiteIntArray* node_temporaries = node.temporaries;
        for (int j = 0; j < node_temporaries->size; ++j) {
            int tensor_index = node_temporaries->data[j];
            alloc_node_[tensor_index] = i;
            dealloc_node_[tensor_index] = i;

    CalculateAllocations(first_node, last_node);

    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(graph_info_->num_tensors()); ++i) {
  1. CalculateAllocations
    TfLiteStatus ArenaPlanner::CalculateAllocations(int first_node, int last_node) {
        // Indices of tensors in order their allocation offsets will be calculated.
        const std::vector<int32_t> tensor_order =
            CreateTensorAllocationVector(first_node, last_node);
        for (const auto& tensor_index : tensor_order) {
            TfLiteTensor& tensor = *graph_info_->tensor(tensor_index);
            if (tensor.allocation_type == kTfLiteArenaRw) {
                arena_.Allocate(context_, tensor_alignment_, tensor.bytes,
                                tensor_index, alloc_node_[tensor_index],
            if (tensor.allocation_type == kTfLiteArenaRwPersistent) {
                    context_, tensor_alignment_, tensor.bytes, tensor_index,
    TfLiteStatus SimpleMemoryArena::Allocate(
        TfLiteContext* context, size_t alignment, size_t size, int32_t tensor,
        int32_t first_node, int32_t last_node,
        ArenaAllocWithUsageInterval* new_alloc) {
        new_alloc->tensor = tensor;
        new_alloc->first_node = first_node;
        new_alloc->last_node = last_node;
        new_alloc->size = size;
        // If we don't find a better gap just allocate at the end of the buffer.
        const size_t kOffsetNotAssigned = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
        size_t best_offset = kOffsetNotAssigned;
        size_t best_offset_fit = kOffsetNotAssigned;
        // Go through the sorted allocs and look at the gaps between them.
        size_t current_offset = 0;
        for (const auto& alloc : ordered_allocs_) {
            if (alloc.last_node < first_node || alloc.first_node > last_node) {
                // !!! 没有重叠的 alloc 相当于空闲的 buffer
            // If we found a gap larger than required size, and smaller than previous
            // best fit, take it.
            if (current_offset + size <= alloc.offset &&
                alloc.offset - current_offset < best_offset_fit) {
                best_offset = current_offset;
                best_offset_fit = alloc.offset - current_offset;
            current_offset = std::max(current_offset, alloc.offset + alloc.size);
        if (best_offset == kOffsetNotAssigned) {
            best_offset = current_offset;
        // Update the required buffer size.
        high_water_mark_ = std::max(high_water_mark_, best_offset + size);
        new_alloc->offset = best_offset;
        auto insertion_it = ordered_allocs_.begin();
        while (insertion_it != ordered_allocs_.end() && *insertion_it < *new_alloc) {
        ordered_allocs_.insert(insertion_it, *new_alloc);
  2. Commit
    TfLiteStatus SimpleMemoryArena::Commit(TfLiteContext* context) {
        size_t required_size = RequiredBufferSize();
        // !!! malloc
        char* new_alloc = new char[required_size];
        char* new_underlying_buffer_aligned_ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(
            AlignTo(arena_alignment_, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(new_alloc)));
        underlying_buffer_size_ = required_size;
        underlying_buffer_aligned_ptr_ = new_underlying_buffer_aligned_ptr;
  3. ResolveTensorAllocation
    TfLiteStatus ArenaPlanner::ResolveTensorAllocation(int tensor_index) {
        TfLiteTensor& tensor = *graph_info_->tensor(tensor_index);
        if (tensor.allocation_type == kTfLiteArenaRw) {
            // Skip resolution if the size of the tensor is zero, leaving it as a
            // nullptr.
            arena_.ResolveAlloc(context_, allocs_[tensor_index], &tensor.data.raw);
        if (tensor.allocation_type == kTfLiteArenaRwPersistent) {
            persistent_arena_.ResolveAlloc(context_, allocs_[tensor_index],
    TfLiteStatus SimpleMemoryArena::ResolveAlloc(
        TfLiteContext* context, const ArenaAllocWithUsageInterval& alloc,
        char** output_ptr) {
        if (alloc.size == 0) {
            *output_ptr = nullptr;
        } else {
            *output_ptr = underlying_buffer_aligned_ptr_ + alloc.offset;

1.1.4. Interpreter.Invoke

        for (int execution_plan_index = 0; execution_plan_index < execution_plan_.size(); execution_plan_index++):
            int node_index = execution_plan_[execution_plan_index];
            TfLiteNode& node = nodes_and_registration_[node_index].first;
            const TfLiteRegistration& registration = nodes_and_registration_[node_index].second;
            OpInvoke(registration, &node)
                // !!! 调用到 resolver 中注册的 registration 中的 .invoke, 例如 AbsEval

1.2. TFLite Delegate

1.2.1. A Simple Model


import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers, Model

input=layers.Input(shape=(1, ))
output=layers.Lambda(lambda x: tf.sin(x)+x+tf.sin(x*2))(input)

Model: "model" _ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # =============================================================== input_1 (InputLayer) [(None, 1)] 0 _ lambda (Lambda) (None, 1) 0 =============================================================== Total params: 0 Trainable params: 0 Non-trainable params: 0 _ 2.152495

import tensorflow as tf

converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model("/tmp/sin")
tflite = converter.convert()
with open ("/tmp/sin.tflite","wb") as f:
    print("size of sin.tflite:", len(tflite))

size of sin.tflite: 1240

1.2.2. MyDelegate

#include <cstdio>

#include "tensorflow/lite/builtin_ops.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/kernel_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/model.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/optional_debug_tools.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/util.h"

using namespace tflite;

class MyDelegate {
    static bool SupportedOp(const TfLiteRegistration* registration) {
        return registration->builtin_code == kTfLiteBuiltinSin;

    bool Invoke(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
        // !!! 这里 invoke 的实现是有问题的, 它假设了 subset 里只有一个 sin, 实
        // 际上多个连续的 sin 例如 tf.sin(tf.sin(x)) 会生成多个 sin node, 而对一
        // 个 subset 只会生成一个 delegate node...
        // 正确的做法是从 TfLiteDelegateParams 中获得所有的 node 信息但依次执行,
        // 例如 flex::Eval 的做法:
        // TfLiteStatus DelegateKernel::Eval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
        // // Execute the TensorFlow Ops sequentially.
        // for (auto& node_data : op_data_->nodes) {
        //   auto status = ExecuteFlexOp(context, buffer_map, node_data.get());
        //   TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, ConvertStatus(context, status));
        // }

        printf("sunway : invoke\n");
        const TfLiteTensor* input = GetInput(context, node, 0);
        TfLiteTensor* output = GetOutput(context, node, 0);

        float* input_data = input->data.f;
        float* output_data = output->data.f;

        const int M = input->dims->size;
        const int N = input->dims->data[0];
        for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
                output_data[i * N + j] = sin(input_data[i * N + j]);

        return kTfLiteOk;

TfLiteRegistration GetMyDelegateNodeRegistration() {
    TfLiteRegistration kernel_registration;
    kernel_registration.builtin_code = kTfLiteBuiltinDelegate;
    kernel_registration.custom_name = "MyDelegate";
    kernel_registration.free = NULL;
    kernel_registration.init = [](TfLiteContext* context, const char* buffer,
                                  size_t) -> void* {
        const TfLiteDelegateParams* delegate_params =
                reinterpret_cast<const TfLiteDelegateParams*>(buffer);
        MyDelegate* my_delegate = new MyDelegate;
        return my_delegate;
    kernel_registration.invoke = [](TfLiteContext* context,
                                    TfLiteNode* node) -> TfLiteStatus {
        MyDelegate* kernel = reinterpret_cast<MyDelegate*>(node->user_data);
        kernel->Invoke(context, node);
        return kTfLiteOk;
    kernel_registration.prepare = NULL;

    return kernel_registration;

TfLiteStatus MyDelegatePrepare(TfLiteContext* context,
                               TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
    std::vector<int> supported_nodes;
    TfLiteIntArray* plan;
    TF_LITE_ENSURE_STATUS(context->GetExecutionPlan(context, &plan));
    TfLiteNode* node;
    TfLiteRegistration* registration;
    for (int i = 0; i < plan->size; i++) {
        int node_index = plan->data[i];
            context, node_index, &node, &registration));
        if (MyDelegate::SupportedOp(registration)) {
    TfLiteRegistration my_delegate_kernel_registration =

    TfLiteIntArray* supported_nodes_int_array =
    // !!! replace node with new delegate registration
    auto status = context->ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels(
        context, my_delegate_kernel_registration, supported_nodes_int_array,
    return status;

TfLiteDelegate* CreateMyDelegate() {
    TfLiteDelegate* delegate = new TfLiteDelegate;

    delegate->data_ = nullptr;
    delegate->flags = kTfLiteDelegateFlagsNone;
    delegate->Prepare = &MyDelegatePrepare;
    delegate->CopyFromBufferHandle = NULL;
    delegate->CopyToBufferHandle = NULL;
    delegate->FreeBufferHandle = NULL;

    return delegate;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char* filename = "/tmp/sin.tflite";

    std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model =

    tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
    InterpreterBuilder builder(*model, resolver);
    std::unique_ptr<Interpreter> interpreter;

    auto* my_delegate = CreateMyDelegate();
    // !!! ModifyGraphWithDelegate
    if (interpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(my_delegate) != kTfLiteOk) {
        printf("sunway:ModifyGraphWithDelegate failed\n");

    float* input = interpreter->typed_input_tensor<float>(0);
    input[0] = 2.0;
    float* output = interpreter->typed_output_tensor<float>(0);
    printf("%f\n", output[0]);

    return 0;

1.2.3. ModifyGraphWithDelegate

TfLiteStatus Subgraph::ModifyGraphWithDelegate(TfLiteDelegate* delegate):
    TfLiteStatus status = delegate->Prepare(&context_, delegate);
    // !!! Prepare 如前面的 MyDelegatePrepare, 负责扫描所有 node, 找到能处理的
    // node, 然后调用 ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels 来替换 node 和
    // execution plan

1.2.4. ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels

ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels 的作用是把所有 node 拆成不同的 node_subset, 例如前面的 \(f(x)=sin(x)+x+sin(x*2)\), 其结构为:

digraph G {
    SIN1 [color=red]
    SIN2 [color=red]
    MULTIPLY [color=green]
    ADD1 [color=green]
    ADD2 [color=green]


一个五个 node 划分为四个按顺排列的 subset:

  1. SIN1
  3. SIN2
  4. ADD2


  1. 属于不同 delegate 的 node 需要分开
  2. 在满足 input, output 依赖的前提下, 属于同一个 delegate 的 node 划分在一起, 如上面的 (ADD1, MULTIPLY)
  3. 各个 subset 要按 topo 排序, 因为 ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels 时会线性的遍历 subset 构造了一个线性的 execution_plan
TfLiteStatus Subgraph::ReplaceNodeSubsetsWithDelegateKernels(
    TfLiteRegistration registration, const TfLiteIntArray* nodes_to_replace,
    TfLiteDelegate* delegate) {
    registration.builtin_code = BuiltinOperator_DELEGATE;

    // Analyze the graph to find all independent node_subsets that are either
    // fully not\-this\-delegate or this\-delegate computation.
    InterpreterInfo info(this);
    std::vector<NodeSubset> node_subsets;
    // !!! 分为多个 subset
    PartitionGraphIntoIndependentNodeSubsets(&info, nodes_to_replace,


    // !!! 按顺序遍历 subset, 因为各个 subset 之间已经是 topo 有序的
    for (auto& node_subset : node_subsets) {
        switch (node_subset.type) {
            // !!! node 不属于 delegate, 不需要替换, 直接追加到 execution_plan_
            case NodeSubset::kTfNonPartition:
                for (auto it = node_subset.nodes.begin(); it != node_subset.nodes.end();
                     ++it) {
            // !!! 对于 delegate, 需要生成一个新的 node 代替subset 中的 node(可
            // 能为多个 node, delegate 的 TfLiteDelegateParams 能拿到哪些 node
            // 被替换), 然后追加到 execution\_plan\_, 新的 node 会使用delegate 的
            // registration
            case NodeSubset::kTfPartition: {
                int node_index;

                TfLiteDelegateParams* params =
                        CreateDelegateParams(delegate, node_subset);
                    node_subset.input_tensors, node_subset.output_tensors, {}, nullptr,
                    0, params, &registration, &node_index)

                // Initialize the output tensors's delegate-related fields.
                for (int tensor_index : node_subset.output_tensors) {
                    TfLiteTensor* tensor = &tensors_[tensor_index];
                    TF_LITE_ENSURE(&context_, tensor->delegate == nullptr ||
                                   tensor->delegate == delegate);
                    tensor->delegate = delegate;

                // Associate the node with the delegate.
                TfLiteNode* node = &nodes_and_registration_[node_index].first;
                node->delegate = delegate;
            } break;

1.2.5. PartitionGraphIntoIndependentNodeSubsets

while (changed):
    subset = new array()
    changed = false
    is_delegate = nil

    for node in nodes:
        skip if node.input is not ready
        skip if node.visited
        if is_delegate is nil:
            is_delegate = node.is_delegate
        skip if node.is_delegate != is_delegate
        node.visited = true
        node.output.ready = true
    if subset is not empty:
        changed = true

1.2.6. Delegate 与 Custom Op 的区别

Delegate 实际上利用了 Custom Op 的机制, 例如 Delegate Op 也是一种特殊的 Custom Op, 它们都会给 node 注册了一个 registration, 使得执行该 node 时会执行到自定义的 Invoke

但 delegate 比 Custom Op 多了一个 partition 的操作, 即它会尽量的把 delegate op 放在同一个 node 里, 例如:


假设用 Custom Op 实现 D1, D2, D3 (用 CD1 表示 D1 使用 AddCustom 指定的 registration), 则变为:


用 delegate 实现 D1, D2, D3 则变为:


其中 CD 对应 delegate 对 D1, D2, D3 的实现, 这样做的好处是:

D1, D2 的输出变成了 delegate 设备内部的中间结果, 不必传递给主设备 (CPU)

1.2.7. Flex Delegate Tflite Converter target ops
converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS,

通过设置 converter 的 supported_ops, 可以影响生成 tflite 的过程

if target_ops:
    if set(target_ops) == set([OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS, OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS]):
      toco.enable_select_tf_ops = True
    elif set(target_ops) == set([OpsSet.SELECT_TF_OPS]):
      toco.enable_select_tf_ops = True
      toco.force_select_tf_ops = True

通过 supported_ops, 可以控制是否 enable_select_tf_ops 或 force_select_tf_ops:

  1. 若 force_select_tf_ops, 即 toco (Tensorflow Optimized COnverter) 会把所有 op 都转换为 tf_op (即 flex delegate op)
  2. 若 enable_select_tf_ops (而非 force_select_tf_ops), 则 builtin_op 之外的 op 会转换为 tf_op export
// !!! 当前 flex op 有一个 allowlist, 表示哪些 tf op 可以支持
if (enabled_op_types_.contains(OpType::kSelectTf) &&
    IsAllowlistedFlexOp(node_def->op())) {
    // !!! kFlexOpNamePrefix = "Flex"
    // flex op 例如 Abs 会被修改为名为 FlexAbs 的 custom_op
    op_name = std::string(kFlexOpNamePrefix) + node_def->op();
    // !!! node_def->op() (即 op name, 例如 Abs) 在 CreateFlexOpCustomOptions 时
    // 会写在 custom options, flex delegate 会从 custom options 中读到 op name,
    // 再去执行, 而不是直接用 custom name 去掉 "Flex" 前缀
    if (auto options = CreateFlexOpCustomOptions(*node_def, inst->getLoc())) {

        custom_options = *options;
    } else {
        return llvm::None;
    } Flex Delegate Impl ApplyDelegates
TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::ApplyDelegates(Interpreter* interpreter,
                                                int num_threads) {
    if (has_flex_op_) {
        if (auto flex_delegate = AcquireFlexDelegate()) {
            return interpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(std::move(flex_delegate));

    return kTfLiteOk;

TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::BuildLocalIndexToRegistrationMapping() {
    for (const OperatorCode* opcode : *opcodes) {
        const TfLiteRegistration* registration = nullptr;
        status = GetRegistrationFromOpCode(opcode, op_resolver_, error_reporter_,
        if (status != kTfLiteOk) {
            // !!! flex op 首先是 custom_op
            if (opcode->builtin_code() != BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
                return status;
            const auto* op_name = opcode->custom_code()->c_str();
            // !!! op_name 是否有 "Flex" 前缀
            has_flex_op_ |= IsFlexOp(op_name);
    return status;

bool IsFlexOp(const char* custom_name) {
    return custom_name && strncmp(custom_name, kFlexCustomCodePrefix,
                                 strlen(kFlexCustomCodePrefix)) == 0;
} Flex Delegate
  1. IsNodeSupportedByDelegate
    bool FlexDelegate::IsNodeSupportedByDelegate(
        const TfLiteRegistration* registration, const TfLiteNode* node,
        TfLiteContext* context) const {
        return IsFlexOp(registration->custom_name);
  2. Eval
    TfLiteStatus DelegateKernel::Eval(TfLiteContext* context, TfLiteNode* node) {
        // Execute the TensorFlow Ops sequentially.
        for (auto& node_data : op_data_->nodes) {
                node_data->name().c_str(), node_data->index());
            // node_data->name() 是类似于 Abs 这样的 string
            auto status = ExecuteFlexOp(context, buffer_map, node_data.get());
            TF_LITE_ENSURE_OK(context, ConvertStatus(context, status));
    tensorflow::Status InitializeNodeDef(const void* custom_initial_data,
                                         int custom_initial_data_size) {
        const flexbuffers::Vector& v =
                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(custom_initial_data),
        name_ = v[0].AsString().str();
    TfLiteStatus DelegateKernel::Init(TfLiteContext* context,
                                      const TfLiteDelegateParams* params) {
        for (auto node_index : TfLiteIntArrayView(params->nodes_to_replace)) {
            // !!! custom_initial_data
            status = node_data.InitializeNodeDef(node->custom_initial_data,
    TfLiteStatus Subgraph::AddNodeWithParameters(
        const std::vector<int>& inputs, const std::vector<int>& outputs,
        const std::vector<int>& intermediates, const char* init_data,
        size_t init_data_size, void* builtin_data,
        const TfLiteRegistration* registration, int* node_index) {
        if (registration->builtin_code == BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
            // When it's a CUSTOM op, the `custom_options` field in the Flatbuffer
            // `Operator` table is passed in.
            // !!! init_data
            node.custom_initial_data = init_data;
            node.custom_initial_data_size = init_data_size;
        } else {
            node.custom_initial_data = nullptr;
            node.custom_initial_data_size = 0;
    TfLiteStatus InterpreterBuilder::ParseNodes(
        const flatbuffers::Vector<flatbuffers::Offset<Operator>>* operators,
        Subgraph* subgraph) {
        if (op_type == BuiltinOperator_CUSTOM) {
            if (op->custom_options()) {
                    // !!! custom_options()->data
                    reinterpret_cast<const char*>(op->custom_options()->data()),
                    op->custom_options()->size(), nullptr, registration);
    } edge tpu

edge tpu 的支持并不是通过 delegate, 而是需要用 edgetpu_compiler 把最初的 tflite 文件转换一下, 把其中 edge tpu 支持的操作封装到一个 custom op (edgetpu-custom-op) 中, 并输出另一个 tflite 文件

运行时反 libedgetpu 链接进来, 同时通过 AddCustom 注册 edgetpu 使用的 custom op:

resolver.AddCustom(edgetpu::kCustomOp, edgetpu::RegisterCustomOp());                                                                          

Author: [email protected]
Date: 2020-07-28 Tue 00:00
Last updated: 2024-02-01 Thu 14:04
